Way to go!
18 Mensajes
Citar a a Bilo

I feel sorry for spending this credit. There is so little of it. And when I think about that I must wait all week to get more of it, tears comes to my face… This site is awesome, but I’m so sad because of credits…

Other than that, great job you are doing here

8 Julio 2007, 15:50:04
5149 Mensajes
Citar a a Mike-Bell
Every sperm is sacred

I you participate you will get more credits.

Credits = SQRT(Number of messages/photos/comments/files...)+4

8 Julio 2007, 16:38:12
18 Mensajes
Citar a a Bilo

Yes, I finded uot from reading posts here. It's not hard to spend more time here. It's really addictive. You have pretty good stuff here.

8 Julio 2007, 18:23:21
killing bell
killing bell
6461 Mensajes
Citar a a killing bell
Platillos al final. AWESOME. "No sé por qué vivo en una isla. No me gustan las preguntas de 'por qué'

You can ask for credits!! You can receive 10 credits in a week from any of the users

8 Julio 2007, 19:35:48


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