367 Mensajes
Citar a a WorldX
Careful With That Axe Mike!

The reason I have uploaded my files to this site and not to free servers or Emule is I want the true fans to enjoy my media.

Bootlegging can occur when files as rare as mine arrive on free services. Bootleggers will download the files and then sell them on ebay and other such places and make a tiny fortune off the back of someone else's generosity.

It is doubtful that bootleggers will participate in a site such as this as they have no interest in the artist, just money.

I want you all to enjoy my files and would prefer it if you come to me for extra credits if you need them or just wait a little while and download over a period of time.

I hope you can understand where I am coming from.

Many thanks,


Message edited on 12/07/2006 21:21:15 by WorldX

12 Julio 2006, 20:15:54
Unknown Man
Unknown Man
4963 Mensajes
Citar a a Unknown Man
I'd like to be on renoback

Traduzo lo que ha dicho WorldX:


La razón por la que he subido mis archivos a este sitio y no a servidores gratuitos o el Emule es que quiero que los fans auténticos disfruten de mis archivos multimedia.

El pirateo puede aparecer cuando archivos tan raros como los mios aparecen en servidores gratuitos. Los piratas descargarán esos archivos y entonces los venderán en Ebay y otros lugares parecidos y harán una pequeña fortuna a costa de la generosidad de alguien.

Es dudoso que los piratas participen en un sitio como éste, ya que ellos no tienen interés en el artista si no en el dinero.

Quiero que todos disfrutéis de mis archivos y preferiría que me pidiéseis créditos extras si los necesitáis o simplemente esperar un poco y posponer la descarga un poco de tiempo. Espero que entendáis qué quiero decir.

Si alguien pudiera traducir esto al Español le estaría muy agradecido.

Muchas Gracias,


12 Julio 2006, 20:27:01
1669 Mensajes
Citar a a antonio

One of the reason we upload files to free servers or emule is because the server saturates. Mike-bell said that last month the transfer was 150 GB (it's too much) and if we continue this website disappear.

Mike-Bell put all stuff of this website in emule so it's the same.

But also I understand you worldx you're right

12 Julio 2006, 21:10:01
killing bell
killing bell
6461 Mensajes
Citar a a killing bell
Platillos al final. AWESOME. "No sé por qué vivo en una isla. No me gustan las preguntas de 'por qué'

I´m agree with you Worldx, y contigo también Unknown XDDD

12 Julio 2006, 21:10:29
367 Mensajes
Citar a a WorldX
Careful With That Axe Mike!

gracias para traducción Unknown Man

12 Julio 2006, 21:18:03
Unknown Man
Unknown Man
4963 Mensajes
Citar a a Unknown Man
I'd like to be on renoback

Too we can upload some special files to free servers but zipped with a secret PASSWORD. This Password only will be revealed in the Messages Center of the web, using private messages. What do you think?

También podemos subir algunos archivos especiales a servidores gratuitos pero comprimidos con un PASSWORD  secreto. Esta contraseña sólo será revelada en el Centro de Mensajes de la web, usando mensajes privados. ¿Qué opinais?

12 Julio 2006, 21:40:16
5149 Mensajes
Citar a a Mike-Bell
Every sperm is sacred

Bien, opino que si alguien quiere subir archivos a rapidshare, u otros, que lo haga CON SUS PROPIOS ARCHIVOS. Es decir, yo subo algo aquí, y si lo creo conveniente, los subo a un servidor gratuito, pero lo que no podemos hacer es cojer los archivos de los demás y subirlos sin su consentimiento.

Así que por favor, me gustaría que se cumpliera esta norma por respeto al trabajo y esfuerzo puesto por WorldX y otra tanta gente que ha subido material. GRACIAS


Well, i think that if someone wants to upload files to rapidshare or others, he should do it with his own files. I mean, I upload something here, and if I think it's right, I upload it too in a free server, but what we can't do is downloading files from another user and upload them without his knowledge.

So please, I would like that rule were followed, for respect to WorldX and many other users who have uploaded stuff. THANKS.

12 Julio 2006, 22:33:32
5149 Mensajes
Citar a a Mike-Bell
Every sperm is sacred

Por cierto, WorldX se ha ofrecido amablemente a ceder 30 de sus créditos todas las semanas, así que si alguien necesita solo tiene que pedirselo.


By the way.... WorldX has offered 30 of his weekly credits for sharing with other users, so if someone needs credits, ask WorldX.

Thanks WorldX ;)

12 Julio 2006, 22:40:00
658 Mensajes
Citar a a knj
Mike!, eres adicto al olor a caca???

eres un crack world X

12 Julio 2006, 22:47:19
954 Mensajes
Citar a a Joni

WorldX we love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! xDxD

12 Julio 2006, 23:11:37
1534 Mensajes
Citar a a bels_mike

oki wordlx lo comprendo ;)

12 Julio 2006, 23:25:08
1326 Mensajes
Citar a a OmmaPlat

Ok, WorldX don't worry, I understand!!! ;-))))

13 Julio 2006, 0:04:50
4603 Mensajes
Citar a a crises

WorldX, I do understand your policy about bootlegs. I agree, indeed. However, the idea of upload some material to those Megaupload or Rapidshare sites with an special password for this forum users only is not too bad. For instance, I rarely write in the forums so I get a few credits every week. However, those Rapidshare files are specially useful for large files (such as videos).

In any case, massive thanks for your coop and all the gems you keep uploading!

13 Julio 2006, 1:28:57
381 Mensajes
Citar a a Loquo
Mi agüita amarilla...

Tienes razón World X, no habíamos pensado en ello. Aunque es posible que haya alguna solución que satisfaga a todos.

Una vez más, gracias por todos tus aportes. Haces una labor impagable.

Vuelve mi web!!
13 Julio 2006, 1:42:31
954 Mensajes
Citar a a Joni

Loquo dijo: Tienes razón World X, no habíamos pensado en ello. Aunque es posible que haya alguna solución que satisfaga a todos. Una vez más, gracias por todos tus aportes. Haces una labor impagable.

Pelota... ¬¬


Ball... ¬¬  xD

Mensaje editado el 13/07/2006 1:51:08 por Joni

13 Julio 2006, 1:48:59
367 Mensajes
Citar a a WorldX
Careful With That Axe Mike!

Please appreciate I go to a great amount of effort to obtain and publish files for the users of this site.

I am willing to give you guys my credits and assistance where I can so you can access my files.

I know I have raised a lot of material and I am sure you would love to get your hands on it all, but all I ask in return is please try and keep it for yourselves and not for the public domain, this website is very special and quite unique.

I will only upload my material at this website. Isn't that better than not at all?

I have tried to make compromise only on the TBII Rehearsal Sessions (Mike's Home) with user 'David' and allowed him to re-publish the files using 'Google Online Video'.

I do hope that you all understand.

Message edited on 13/07/2006 11:49:11 by WorldX

13 Julio 2006, 11:36:44
5149 Mensajes
Citar a a Mike-Bell
Every sperm is sacred

Don't worry WorldX. I'll do my best to preserve your work at this site.


13 Julio 2006, 12:22:40
367 Mensajes
Citar a a WorldX
Careful With That Axe Mike!

The TBII Rehearsal Sessions (Mike's Home) can now be found by clicking HERE also.

14 Julio 2006, 10:01:33
679 Mensajes
Citar a a Norteño
Cuanto mas conozco al hombre mas quiero a mi perro

Dicho por unknown man.

"También podemos subir algunos archivos especiales a servidores gratuitos pero comprimidos con un PASSWORD secreto. Esta contraseña sólo será revelada en el Centro de Mensajes de la web, usando mensajes privados. ¿Qué opinais?"

A mi me parece buena idea.

Tambien se puede usar nombres raros para los ficheros para que no los encuentre el buscador como azdfggrfyugy o similares.


14 Julio 2006, 12:25:43
1895 Mensajes
Citar a a Millenium_JJ

sería una buena idea, pero quien tiene que dar el aprovado es WorldX

14 Julio 2006, 13:49:45
41 Mensajes
Citar a a amarokfe

thank worldx ....

14 Julio 2006, 17:03:07
Unknown Man
Unknown Man
4963 Mensajes
Citar a a Unknown Man
I'd like to be on renoback

WorldX dijo: The TBII Rehearsal Sessions (Mike's Home) can now be found by clicking HERE also.
Thanks for all your efforts!!

14 Julio 2006, 21:46:31
1851 Mensajes
Citar a a sorti

Wow, thanks WorldX the videos are very insteresting.

14 Julio 2006, 21:51:25
1555 Mensajes
Citar a a Spinne

Don't worry about uploading files to pages such as These services generally doesn't allow searching for files, so the only way to be able to download a file is to have a link. If the links are only published in this forum, only those who read it would be able to download them ;)

Also, I'm sure that between all those people registered, probably a few of those who only download would also do what you are saying, so have them here is not 100% sure the files are not going to go to that kind of people.

I think, that the best way to fight against people selling bootlegs is made as much available as possible. Most people wouldn't buy them if they can get them in full quality for free. But that's only my point of view. They are your bootlegs and of course you're the one who have to say your rules ;)

Regards and thank you for all your kindnest.

15 Julio 2006, 11:18:15
1326 Mensajes
Citar a a OmmaPlat

Spinne dijo:

I think, that the best way to fight against people selling bootlegs is made as much available as possible. Most people wouldn't buy them if they can get them in full quality for free. But that's only my point of view. They are your bootlegs and of course you're the one who have to say your rules ;)

Yo tb pienso eso.

15 Julio 2006, 14:07:33
143 Mensajes
Citar a a samuli2

im looking server space where i can upload all my bootlegs to share for everyone....mp3 format only because with flac it would take way to much.
and this site service doesnt meet my requirements because there is not much order in files and the credit system sux now i have almost all concerts that is available here, from better source so i would convert from my own sources.

This kind ftp (dkay ftp) were exist years ago that was dedicated to host all MO videos and audios to share with others but i would like to see something like that again.

7 Julio 2007, 14:47:25
1555 Mensajes
Citar a a Spinne

samuli2 dijo: im looking server space where i can upload all my bootlegs to share for everyone....mp3 format only because with flac it would take way to much. and this site service doesnt meet my requirements because there is not much order in files and the credit system sux now i have almost all concerts that is available here, from better source so i would convert from my own sources. This kind ftp (dkay ftp) were exist years ago that was dedicated to host all MO videos and audios to share with others but i would like to see something like that again.

You can upload in FLAC in, megaupload... at least the rarests ones. I think APE format compress a bit more. Most shows are already available in MP3 but not in CD quality. If FLAC is too much work you can ask for help in doing this (you don't have to do it alone). And don't worry, it's the last time I told you about sharing in FLAC and forget about MP3.

The credit system is needed to prevent saturation on the server (so much people downloading at the time if there's any kind of restriction, you will see it with yours except if you keep it private).

Dkay and Rob's server is down for some years ago. Taurus Iv also have an FTP, but the owner, eb2eiy had to close this. The only FTP available now, I think, is the Amarok Mailing List FTP which is only for the list users.

9 Julio 2007, 20:10:05
143 Mensajes
Citar a a samuli2

my idea is to make everything available at once that people can listen them & download easy and arent audiophile persons and like to listen music people who downloading music from this other words those people who like to watch youtube clips instead of trying to get everything in dvd quality or download divx movie instead of dvd image, would enjoy this kind thing and others would go to torrent sites to get best quality possible...that was my point and purpose.
i keep cds for trading purposes and i listen mp3s/divx rips only that i can store all in one hdd and have easy access to them and get them into portable player i thought there could be some intestests for that kind MO music library that is easy to access and use.

and even with lower quality mp3 all concerts that i could do, would take that 20-25 gigabytes roughly....if i had 100mbit upload that would be different story and i could host all myself.

so i would like to do or be part of same kind service as this site has with files but with easier system and with some order in files...Dkay was that kind but it was underground ftp so not many had access there...i uploaded there alot then until it went down.

9 Julio 2007, 22:01:00
4603 Mensajes
Citar a a crises

I like your idea, samuli2.

What about keeping an updated megaupload/rapidshare links collection of uploaded stuff? There are many ways of preventing those files from expiring and they are placed there for a free and popular download.

An FTP with such a large bandwith usage might be a problem, isn't it?

9 Julio 2007, 22:04:02
38 Mensajes
Citar a a maca
Man In The Rain

That's right. rapidhare is much better way to do so. I like that idea!

12 Julio 2007, 19:48:55
143 Mensajes
Citar a a samuli2

rapidshare is not exactly what i was thinking....i wanted more that kind system that you can browse files freely....i think im going to use some ideas in my own site to make live stuff available.

12 Julio 2007, 20:07:04
38 Mensajes
Citar a a maca
Man In The Rain

Well you can browse titles and rapidshare links here, but then again, that is completely your choice. You know the best.

12 Julio 2007, 20:12:18


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