Question about videos?
18 Mensajes
Citar a a Bilo

O.K. I have one important question. Recently I’ve got for myself the “Elements” DVD, where there is most of the Oldfield’s videos. But what with others? Where could I find all of Mike’s videos, including the new ones?  

18 Julio 2007, 0:28:01
147 Mensajes
Citar a a Kwijibo

Hi Bilo. In the video album the wind chimes you can find other Mike Oldfield´s videos.

18 Julio 2007, 13:42:46
1559 Mensajes
Citar a a Spinne

The Elements DVD includes all the videos of the Virgin era (except the alternative version of Innocent video), including those included on the The Wind Chimes VHS/laser disc. The Warner videos I'm not sure if can be found in any official release. The video for Introduction 2003 is on the sample DVD included sometimes with Tubular Bells 2003 CD.

18 Julio 2007, 16:35:19


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