ERROR when try to upload
38 Mensajes
Citar a a maca
Man In The Rain

Yeah, thats right, every time I try to upload something, I get message that some kind of error ocure on the server. Don't know why is that. Any help?

13 Julio 2007, 11:41:15
5149 Mensajes
Citar a a Mike-Bell
Every sperm is sacred

Check the file extension is allowed (mid, txt, pdf, doc, swf, zip, avi, mpg, wmv, mp3, ogg) and size is not very big (máx about 9Mb for 1MB ADSL connection)

13 Julio 2007, 13:45:27
38 Mensajes
Citar a a maca
Man In The Rain

Well my ADSL speed is 524 Kbps, and I tried to upload one picture, and one mp3 which size is about 3 MB. So I don't understand.

13 Julio 2007, 19:30:35
Unknown Man
Unknown Man
4963 Mensajes
Citar a a Unknown Man
I'd like to be on renoback

For Pictures the limit is about 500 kb of size.

13 Julio 2007, 19:32:25


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